Banking approach to document generation

Is it possible to easily automate the complex process of generating large numbers of highly complex and multi-variant documents? Especially in cases where each document has to contain personalised information and be delivered to the customer in a paper version?


Let’s look at how such a process might work using the example of the Bank’s handling of debt collection cases.


Debt collection in a bank

Every bank daily launches hundreds of actions related to unpaid loan instalments or unauthorised overdrafts on an account. Already at the first stage of its debt collection activities, using soft methods, the bank sends reminders to its customers in the form of personalised text messages or emails, and then, in the absence of results, it sends appropriate reminders by registered letter containing information about the overdue liability and legal sanctions. In the next stage of debt collection, e.g. field collection, the bank, proposing an amicable solution to the case, produces further documents containing a settlement proposal and an agreed new repayment schedule. When the previous methods fail, the bank initiates hard debt collection by terminating the agreement concluded earlier and submits a lawsuit to the court for payment of the overdue amount. 


It is not hard to imagine what a huge number of various document templates depending on numerous parameters are created at each stage of the entire recovery process. We are approached by customers who have great difficulty creating document templates and making changes to existing ones while retaining full control over the process. This is usually done with the support of costly IT teams.


Generating documents at our Client from the banking sector

A large scale of documents generated has posed a new challenge for the debt collection department of one of the largest banks operating in Poland:

  • implementation of tools to quickly create document templates and make changes to them without the involvement of a programmer;
  • the use of several already existing data models without the need to create them anew;
  • creation of document sub-templates using the parameters contained in already existing templates;
  • automation of the process of printing letters and mass mailing with the elimination of errors; 
  • updating the bulk case handling process in e-Court so that there is the possibility of automatically generating personalised claims and sending them to clients in hard copy.


Implementation of the project on the VSoft archITekt platform

The entire project was completed in three steps using the low-code VSoft archITekt platform.


1) At the outset, with the cooperation of both departments, debt collection and IT, the business process for communication with e-Court was redefined and then built on the archITekt platform. This process was fully integrated with the Bank’s existing debt collection system ensuring a two-way exchange of data.  


2) In the next stage, the business team set to work by creating new templates for the relevant documents and lawsuits in archITekt using the VSoft Document Services add-in in the familiar MS Word environment. Users built on the previously used templates, making use of all the editing possibilities of MS Word and inserting only the relevant tags, allowing the content of the documents to be automatically supplemented with business data from the debt collection system.


3) In the final stage of the project, processing packages were created using integration modules to ensure that the generated documents were sent to peripheral devices and printed in the correct order.


With this approach, using a single low-code platform, it was possible to automate various activities in a short period of time, and the business team had a sense of complete control over the entire process and every change being made. 


The effects of automatic document generation at the Bank

As a result, generating documents, creating templates or modifying them is done without programmers. New templates can be created easily, flexibly and without restrictions.


Currently, the debt collection department generates around 0.5 million different letters per month using around 130 various document types and around 200 templates and sub-templates and the entire process for e-court has been integrated with multiple data models.


The VSoft Document Services module of the archITekt platform

The low-code platform VSoft archITekt with the VSoft Document Services add-on used in this example allows for designing and managing document templates and the generating ready-made documents based on data collected in the system. Thanks to this, it is possible to easily create both personalised content of emails, letters and documents used in serial correspondence, as well as very complex, multi-variant offers, lawsuits, contracts containing calculations, charts or electronic signatures.


In our implementations, both in debt collection, but also in credit or insurance, we always use the low-code platform to, among other things, create document templates and manage them extensively.  


Numerous large-scale businesses struggle with the number of document templates they have to produce and fail to manage them efficiently. If this also applies to your organisation, we invite you to contact us.

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